Objectives Resolution pakistanexams.com

The Objectives Resolution of 1949


Objectives Resolution is the most important document in Pakistan’s constitutional history. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, the objectives resolution was presented in the constituent assembly on March 7, 1949. It was passed on March 12, 1949, in the same house. Objective resolution plays an important role in the constitutional history of Pakistan. It is the preamble of the 1956, 1962, and 1973 constitutions. Moreover, the Objectives Resolution became part of the constitution of 1973 when the 8th Amendment of 1973 was passed in 1985. Additionally, a significant role of this document is that it contains the basic principles of Islamic and modern democratic political systems. 

Features of Objectives Resolution of 1949

  • According to the Objectives Resolution, sovereignty only belongs to Almighty Allah.
  • The State’s authority should be entrusted to its citizens, following the guidelines established by Allah.
  • Principles of freedom, equality, democracy, tolerance, and justice have to be ensured according to the teachings of Islam.
  • The constitution of the country had to be framed by its constituent assembly.
  • Muslims shall live an Islamic life taught by the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.
  • Minorities or Non-Muslims have complete freedom of their religious practices.
  • There would be a federal form of government with autonomous units.
  • All the fundamental rights should be given to the citizens of Pakistan.
  • The State has to protect the rights and interests of the minorities.
  • The judiciary must be independent.
  • The integrity and sovereignty of the State must be safeguarded.

Importance of Objectives Resolution

Objective Resolution plays an important role in the constitutional history of Pakistan. It is also a preamble of the 1956, 1962, and 1973 constitutions. In this resolution, Islam has been declared the State religion. Objectives resolution gave the guidelines for making the future constitutions of Pakistan.

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  • Define the Signifiance of Objectives Resoultion.
  • What is the importance of Objectives Resolution in the Constitutional History of Pakistan?