www.pakistanexams.com Political Instability in Pakistan

Political Instability in Pakistan: The Top 7 Root Causes

Pakistan has been politically instable since 1947. Till date no government has completed its 5 years tenure. The average tenure of a Prime Minister in Pakistan has been 1.5 years.  Moreover, the country has faced social unrest, conflicts, strike and many more. All of these are indicators of political instability in Pakistan. Furthermore, it is […]

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Pakistanexams.com Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Pakistan: Energy Crisis

Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Pakistan: Energy Crisis

What is IPPs? In Pakistan, Independent Power Producers (IPPs) refer to privately owned companies that generate electricity and sell it to the national grid or other consumers. These companies operate independently from the government and play a significant role in the country’s energy sector by supplementing the power generated by public utilities. IPPs were introduced […]

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www.Pakistanexams.com Solutions to Combat Climate Change

9 Proven Solutions to Combat Climate Change: A Great Guide

Climate change is significant threat to all the living things on Earth. Its effects are creating chaos, and they are disrupting everyday life. Therefore, nothing is safe from the effects of Climate Change. It is also changing ecosystems and causing migrations. Furthermore, Climate change is affecting everything on Earth from societies to businesses. Therefore, it […]

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www.Pakistanexams.com Effects of Climate Change

Effects Of Climate Change: Rising Temperatures And Rising Concerns

Climate change is a threat and a harsh reality because the effects of climate change are long-lasting. It is transforming our planet in many ways. The rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are just the beginning of this change. Furthermore, it is not only affecting the environment but also human health, economies, […]

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