www.pakistanexams.com Impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan

The Devastating Impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan

The condition that guarantees the progress and development of a country is having political stability. However, Pakistan has not been able to achieve it yet. Owing to that the political instability has affected the country badly. Its implications are long-lasting and multifaceted. Therefore, numerous areas of the country have been the burden of beast by […]

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www.pakistanexams.com Political Instability in Pakistan

Political Instability in Pakistan: The Top 7 Root Causes

Pakistan has been politically instable since 1947. Till date no government has completed its 5 years tenure. The average tenure of a Prime Minister in Pakistan has been 1.5 years.  Moreover, the country has faced social unrest, conflicts, strike and many more. All of these are indicators of political instability in Pakistan. Furthermore, it is […]

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