www.pakistanexams.com Political Instability in Pakistan

Political Instability in Pakistan: The Top 7 Root Causes

Pakistan has been politically instable since 1947. Till date no government has completed its 5 years tenure. The average tenure of a Prime Minister in Pakistan has been 1.5 years.  Moreover, the country has faced social unrest, conflicts, strike and many more. All of these are indicators of political instability in Pakistan. Furthermore, it is […]

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Pakistanexams.com Pakistan’s War on Terror: A History of Important Military Operations (part-2)

Pakistan’s War on Terror: A History of Important Military Operations (part 2)

4. Operation Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (2008) Background and Objectives: Focused on the Khyber Agency, a crucial area for militant operations and smuggling routes used by various sectarian militant groups. Aimed to neutralize these groups, secure key logistical routes, and reduce sectarian violence. Operations and Tactics: Led by the Pakistan Army with significant support from the Frontier Corps. […]

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Pakistanexam.com Military Operations in Pakistan After 9/11

Pakistan’s War on Terror: A History of Important Military Operations (part-1)

Introduction Post-9/11, Pakistan became a crucial frontline state in the global war on terror. The influx of Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants into Pakistan’s tribal regions, particularly the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), posed significant security challenges. In response, the Pakistan military launched a series of operations aimed at dismantling terrorist networks and restoring state authority. […]

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