Shah Wali Ullah

Shah Wali Ullah: The Great Muslim Reformer of India

Shah Wali Ullah was born in Delhi on February 21, 1703. His real name was Qutub Uddin. Later on, he came to be known as Shah Wali Ullah. His father’s name was Shah Abdur Rahim. He received his early education from his father. Moreover, he memorized the Holy Quran in his childhood. Shah Waliullah Dehlvi received an education in Tafsir, and Hadith. He also studied metaphysics, logic, and Ilm-ul-Kalam under his father.

Background of Shah Wali Ullah’s Reformation

The background of Shah Wali Ullah Dehlvi’s reformation movement is given below. It shows the various reasons that compelled him to introduce reforms in the shape of various services.

Weak Rulers After Aurangzeb

Aurangzeb died in 1707. The Muslim society faced serious problems after his death. The successors of Aurangzeb were the most incapable ones. They indulged in luxurious life and could not withhold the supremacy of the Muslim rule.

Army Demoralized and Nobles Weak

Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlvi had noticed that the Mughal army had lost its cause to fight for the empire and nobles of the Mughal court had become weak. Nobles had kept themselves away from the Islamic teachings. Moreover, they were lavish and were living a luxurious lifestyle.

Hindus and Sikhs: Rising and Pressure on the Mughal Empire

Hindus and Sikhs were rising into power in India. This pressure was created on the Muslim empire in India. Marathas and Sikhs had gained a foothold. Shah Wali Ullah felt this social decay of the Muslim society.

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Services of Shah Wali Ullah

Shah Wali Ullah gave the following services or contributions to Muslim society.

Religious Services of Shah Wali Ullah

Shah Wali Ullah Started Preaching

Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah Muhaddis Dehlvi started preaching the Muslims. He tried to persuad them to strictly follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Additionally, he urged the people to live a simple life and avoid involvement in worldly luxuries.

Translated the Holy Quran by Shah Wali Ullah

Persian was the literary language of those days. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah felt the need for the translation of the Holy Quran into Persian. Therefore, he translated it into a simple Persian Language. His translation brought the knowledge of the Holy Quran within the reach of an average literate person in India.

Shah Wali Ullah’s Call for the Unity of Muslim Ummah

Muslims were divided in India. Further, there was a misunderstanding between the two sects, the Shias and the Sunnis. Shah Wali Ullah removed this misunderstanding to a larger extent. Additionally, he provided a spiritual basis for national harmony.

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Political Services of Shah Wali Ullah

No Hereditary Politics

Shah Waliullah was against the hereditary politics. He wanted the most capable person in the leadership position of the Muslims. He was in favour of merit based leadership.

Merit-Based Decision Making

Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah introduced the concept of merit in India. He wanted the people to be involved in the decision-making. He knew that only a merit-based system brings success to the nation.

Military Services of Shah Wali Ullah

Letter to Ahmed Shah Abdali

Marathas were rising into power. They were a danger to the Mughal Empire. Shah Wali Ullah knew this threat.  Moreover, he wanted to control it effectively.

Shah Wali Ullah wrote to Ahmed Shah Abdali for this purpose. Ahmed Shah Abdali came to India and crushed the Marathas in the 3rd Battle of Panipat in 1761. Hence, the danger of Marathas disappeared forever.

Shah Wali Ullah’s Call for Jihad

Shah Wali Ullah educated the Muslims about the importance of Jihad in Islam. He asked them to go for Jihad for the glorification of Islam.

Shah Wali Ullah and the Two Nation Theory or Pakistan Movement

Shah Wali Ullah believed that the Muslims were a separate nation from the Hindus. He saved the decline of Muslim rule after the death of Aurangzeb.

Furthermore, it is clear that if Islam in the sub-content was absorbed, Pakistan would never be created. Because Islam was the building block of the creation of Pakistan. Thus, the efforts of Shah Wali Ullah helped in the Pakistan Movement.

Test your knowledge:

After studying Shah Wali Ullah and his services try to answer the following question.

  • Write a note on Shah Wali Ullah and his services.
  • How did Shah Wali Ullah contribute to the reformation of the Muslim society in the Subcontinent?
  • Impact of Shah Wali Ullah’s reformations on the Pakistan Movement?
  • Write a short note on Shah Wali Ullah and Two Nation Theory.