Common Islamic Provisions in Constitutions of Pakistan

Islamic Principles in the Pakistani Constitutions: A Historical Perspective


Pakistan emerged as an Islamic state. The Muslims of the subcontinent struggled for it day and night. After the many difficulties and sacrifices of thousands of Muslims, on August 14th,1947  Pakistan became independent from British India. The foundation of the country is laid down on the principles of Islam, so the constitution of the State needs to be according to Islamic teachings.

Common Islamic salient features among Objective Resolution, 1956, 1962, and 1973 constitutions

  1. Islam as a State Religion
    • Among all constitutions, Islam has been declared as a state religion of Pakistan.
  2. No law has been passed against Islam
    • No law will be passed in the assembly that is against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
  3. The Head of State
    • The president of Pakistan must be a Muslim.
  4. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  5. Good relations with other Muslim countries
    • Pakistan must have good friendly and healthy relationships with other Muslim world.
  6. Preamble


The ideology of Pakistan was based on Islamic ideology. Therefore, the constitution of Pakistan must have Islamic provisions in its constitutions.

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