www.pakistanexams.com Impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan

The Devastating Impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan

The condition that guarantees the progress and development of a country is having political stability. However, Pakistan has not been able to achieve it yet. Owing to that the political instability has affected the country badly. Its implications are long-lasting and multifaceted. Therefore, numerous areas of the country have been the burden of beast by bearing its impacts. Impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan include economic crisis, social unrest, bad governance; a compromised foreign policy, security concerns, and lack of human development.

Impacts of Political Instability on Economy of Pakistan

Every country wishes to have a strong economy, but it is only possible by having political stability. Because only a stable political system ensures the consistency of policy implementation. Moreover, it attracts foreign direct investment (FDI), which is the backbone of a stable economy. Additionally, according to the State Bank of Pakistan FDI has been reduced due to political crisis after 2020.

It is shocking because its consequences are harmful for the economic growth of Pakistan. Furthermore, the economy of Pakistan is weak and giving the indications of an economic crisis. The reason is that, Pakistan is going through a phase of political crisis, which has impacted policy implementation.

It has also impacted the interests of investors. Consequently, it has caused more taxation, high inflation, currency devaluation, unemployment, and job insecurity. Therefore, Pakistanis are unable to afford basic necessities of life, and it has also reduced their standards of life.Thus political crisis in Pakistan has led to economic downfall of the country.

Security Concerns Because of Political Meltdown

Political meltdown has increased the security concerns of Pakistan. The reason is that it has weakened law enforcement agencies, which has made it hard to fight terrorism and extremism. Similarly, due to the political meltdown terrorist groups have regrouped and reorganized because leadership has not focused on this matter.

Therefore, terrorist groups have become stronger than before. Consequently, they have started threatening the very sovereignty of Pakistan. Thus they are also challenging the writ of the state and increasing the security concerns of the country.

Social Unrest in Pakistan

The impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan also include social unrest in the country. The reason is that the government is unable to address the problems of people (source: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan). When the issues of masses are not solved they go on strikes and protests. Sometimes these protests become violent, disturbing peace in the country. For instance, the protests of Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) that resulted in the destruction of public and private property and martyrdom of policemen.

Similarly, the social unrest has also caused ethnic and sectarian division. The reason is that militant groups have been targeting people based on their sect and ethnicity. Additionally, the government has been unable to solve this issue. The social unrest in Pakistan has been caused by Political Instibility because it has led to the lack of policy-making and policy implementation.

Impacts of Political Instability on Governance in Pakistan

The impacts of Political Instability on the governance of Pakistan are evident. Due to it, the country lacks policy continuation and implementation. Therefore, the pressing issues of the nation remain unsolved. Moreover, because of it there is lack of accountability of the office-holders, so they follow short-termism.

The policies they make are not to benefit the country in the long-run but to gain short-term polical advantage. This culture is evident from the development projects of MPAs and MNAs.

The bad governance in the country is the result of political meltdown in Pakistan. If there was political stability than the public office holders would have ensured policy implementation. Additionally, there would be proper transparency and accountability, ensuring good governance in Pakistan. Hence, all the problems in the country would would have been solved.

Political Crisis Hinders Human Development in Pakistan

Advancement in education and healthcare sectors play a very important role in the human developmemt in any country. However they have been ignored in Pakistan due to an unstable political system. Therefore, the issues of these institutions have not been identified and addressed because they lack attention from the leadership.

Due to the political instability governments in Pakistan frequently change, so their focus is mainly on their own interests and gains rather than human development and public welfare. A report by the UNDP highlights the dysmal state of this issue. It says that Pakistan’s Human Development has declined due to the reduced access to education and healthcare. Hence, political parties should keep their interests aside and work for the human development of the people of Pakistan.

Impacts of Political Instability on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

Political instability has also influenced Pakistan’s foreign policy. Different governments have different priorities. One can say that prorities keep shifting with the changing leadership in the country. It has reduced the global influence of Pakistan and has affected its ability to attract FDI and foreign aid.

Moreover, it makes it hard and challenging for Pakistan to maintain a stable and predictable relationship with the international community. It has resulted in the loss of trust among other countries. The unstable political environment of the country has distrupted it’s ability to gain long-term strategic planning and decision-making.

If not controlled, it will lead to the international isolation of Pakistan. Therefore, a stable political system is crucial to have strong relations with other countries and to increase Pakistan’s soft image in front of the internation community.


In conclusion, the impacts of Political Instability in Pakistan are far-reaching and multifaceted. It impacts country’s economy, social fabrics, security and governance. It also affects Pakistan’s foreign policy, and human development. Pakistan has to ensure Political Stability to address its pressing issues because this is the only way for it to prosper and progress.

Moreover, a stable political environment at home is crucial for its internal harmony. Lasty, only by having internal peace, it will be strong enough to solve its external matters and have a say in the international politics. Hence, only political stability can improve Pakistan’s overall well-being.