Solutions to Political Instability in Pakistan

Pakistan as a nation is blessed with immense potential and natural resources, but it has been grappling with political instability. The history of this instability is as old as the country itself. It is alarming that since its birth no Prime Minister has completed 5 years tenure. It is the reason that despite having so much potential, yet, it is not in the list of developed countries. Moreover, this instability has hindered Pakistan’s prosperity and development, causing many problems for it. Hence, there is a dire need for change from instability to stability. A number of pragmatic solutions for the political instability in Pakistan will be discussed in this piece of writing.

Strong Economy and Political Instability in Pakistan

A strong economy is vital to solve the issue of instable political environment in Pakistan. A strong economy reduces Pakistan’s dependence on loans and aids. In this ways other countries and institution would not be able to interfere in the matters of Pakistan. Therefore, Pakistan will be able to make policies on its own, without caring about what other countries think and say.

Pakistan can achieve this goal by promoting local industries. It can give them access and support to reach international market places. Additionally, it can give tax relieves and other incentives to foreign investors to set up industries in Pakistan. These steps of the government would strengthen country’s economy, helping in the stability of political environment of Pakistan.

Role of Election Commission of Pakistan

The role of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is significant in solving the political instability in Pakistan. It is the government body that is responsible for conducting elections. It can solve the country’s political meltdown by ensuring free, fair and transparent elections. This step of ECP is very important to earn and maintain the trust of public in democratic system of Pakistan.

Moreover, it should implement a robust electoral process. This is the only way that avoids post-election disputes and violence in the country. It also compels the political parties to respect election process and accept election results. Hence, it ensures a stable political environment in the country.

Lastly, the ECP can facilitate dialogue among political parties, which encourages them to work within the democratic framework. By doing so, the ECP allows political parties to compete on a fair basis. In these ways, the ECP can contribute to a more stable political environment in Pakistan.

Role of an Independent Judiciary

The Judiciary can play a very important role in solving political uncertainty in Pakistan.  An independent judiciary upholds the rule of law, and it ensures constitutional supremacy in the country. By doing so it provides a check on the office holders. Only an independent judiciary can prevent the exploitation of laws for political gains, reducing the incidents of political victimization.

Moreover, it can ensure the transparent and accountable usage of power by those in power. Similarly, an independent judiciary can also make impartial decisions. Hence, such continuous practices by an independent judiciary can break the political deadlock in Pakistan.

Intraparty Election Solve Political Crisis in Pakistan

Intraparty elections can help in solving political crisis in Pakistan. It promotes the democratic norms within political parties. This way, it discourages the practice of dynastic politics among leadership, and it also increases good governance in Pakistan.

Consistently holding internal elections in parties can ensure that the most capable leaders are chosen to run the country. This further gives a change to merit-based decision making to prosper. Moreover, the intraparty elections strengthen party institutions, and they promote democratic system, contributing to a stable and predictable political environment in Pakistan. Hence, intraparty elections enhance the overall quality of democracy.

Role of Good Governance in Solving Political Instability in Pakistan

Good governance can also help in solving the political meltdown in Pakistan. It can address the root causes of discontent, and it can ensure effective decision-making. Furthermore, the transparent and accountable elements of governance can reduce corruption and promote rule of law in the country. Therefore, they deliver public services efficiently.

Good governance further can increase public trust in the government institutions and can reduce public grievances. Good governance can also promote economic growth, reduce inequality, and it can address regional disparities. Hence, it helps in the deduction of causes of political instability. 

8 electoral reforms that could help address political instability in Pakistan:

  1. Independent Election Commission: Parliament should fix the share of ECP in the annual budget of Pakistan. This move will help in the independence of ECP and will also make it free from any political influence.
  2. Campaign Finance Reforms: The ECP should establish strict rules for the funding of political parties and campaign spending. These rules must put a limit on the influence of money in politics.
  • Biometric Voter Identification: Implementation of a secure biometric voting system to prevent voter fraud is necessary to prevent rigging during elections.
  • Transparent Candidate Selection: ECP should ensure that intraparty elections are conducted for selecting the competent candidates.
  • Electronic Voting: Introducing electronic voting machines (EVMs) or online voting by ECP can increase transparency, reduce human error. Additionally, it speeds up the vote-counting process.
  • Voter Education: ECP can organize nationwide voter education programs to inform the public about their rights, the voting process, and the importance of participation in elections. This increases vote banks.
  • Overseas Voting Rights: By allowing the overseas Pakistanis to vote in elections through secure, remote voting systems increases their inclusivity and representation.
  • Limit on Parliamentary Terms: Introducing limits on the number of terms a person can serve in parliament is very important. It reduces the monopoly of power by individual politicians or dynasties.

These pragmatic reforms have the potential to solve political instability in Pakistan.


In short, political instability is a serious issue of Pakistan. It needs to be solved because its impacts are badly affecting the progress and development of the country. The solutions of this problem should be practical and easy to implement. The identified solutions of political instability in Pakistan are strong economy, independent judiciary, intraparty elections, good governance, electoral reforms, and a strong election commission of Pakistan. The implementation of these solutions can solve this very issue of Pakistan.