Asia Continent

Asia Continent Facts and Interesting Things

Quick Links

  1. Introduction to Asia Continent Facts
  2. Boundaries of Asia
  3. Famous Seas in Asia
  4. Rivers in Asia
  5. Mountains in Asia
  6. Deserts in Asia
  7. Miscellaneous Facts about Asia

Introduction to Asia Continent

Asia with an area of 444, 79, 000 sq. km, is the largest continent in the world. According to the United Nations, there are 48 countries, excluding Taiwan and Palestine. The oceans, which surround Asia are the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. Asia continent facts are mentioned in detail below.

Boundaries of Asia

The boundaries of Asia with other continents are given below.

Asia and Africa Boundary

Asia has boundaries with Africa through the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, and the Gulf of Suez.

Asia and Europe Boundary

Asia has boundaries with Europe through the Ural Mountain, the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus Mountain, and the Black Sea.

Asia and Oceania Boundary

Asia and Oceania form a boundary on Papua New Guinea.

Asia and North America Boundary

Asia and North America form a boundary through Diomede Islands. The Big Diomede Island is in Russia and the Little Diomede Island is in USA. These islands are in the Bering Strait. 

Famous Seas in Asia

The famous seas in Asia are: Philippine Sea (Mariana Trench is on its East), South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Aral Sea, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Persian Gulfs, Caspian Sea, Black Sea; Mediterranean Sea, and Dead Sea.

Rivers in Asia

  1. Yangtze River (China) is the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world.
  2. Mekong River flows in China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
  3. Indus River flows in China, India, and Pakistan.
  4. Yellow River (China) is the third longest river in Asia, and it is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization.
  5. Ganges River (India, Bangladesh) it is a sacred river in Hinduism
  6. Tigris River (Turkey, Syria, Iraq) it flows through ancient Mesopotamia.
  7. Amur River (Russia, China) it forms the border between Russia and China.
  8. Salween River flows in China, Myanmar, and Thailand.
  9. Yenisey River (Russia, Mongolia) it flows through Siberia.
  10. Ob River (Russia).
  11. Pearl River (China).
  12. Red River (China, Vietnam).
  13. Syr Darya River (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan).
  14. Amu Darya River (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan).
  15. Han River (South Korea).

Mountains in Asia

  1. Pamir Knot is in the South of Central Asia. Mountain chains run out in different directions from it.
  2. Mount Everest (Nepal/China) is the highest peak in the world.
  3. K2 (Pakistan/China) is the second-highest peak in the world.
  4. Kangchenjunga (Nepal/India) is the third-highest peak in the world.
  5. Lhotse (Nepal/China) is the fourth-highest peak in the world.
  6. Makalu (Nepal) is the fifth-highest peak in the world.
  7. Cho Oyu (Nepal/China) is the sixth-highest peak in the world.
  8. Dhaulagiri (Nepal) is the seventh-highest peak in the world.
  9. Manaslu (Nepal) is the eighth-highest peak in the world.
  10. Nanga Parbat (Pakistan) is the ninth-highest peak in the world.
  11. Annapurna (Nepal) is the tenth-highest peak in the world.
  12. Mount Fuji (Japan) is an Iconic stratovolcano, and it is a symbol of Japan.
  13. Mount Kinabalu (Malaysia) it is the highest peak in Southeast Asia.
  14. Mount Elbrus (Russia/Azerbaijan/Georgia) it is the highest peak in Europe.
  15. Mount Damavand (Iran) it is the highest peak in the Middle East.
  16. Mount Apo (Philippines) it is the highest peak in the Philippines.
  17. 18. Mount Song (China) it is home to the famous Shaolin Temple.

Deserts in Asia

  1. Gobi Desert (Mongolia/China) is a cold desert.
  2. Taklamakan Desert (China) is the world’s second-largest shifting sand desert.
  3. Thar Desert (India/Pakistan).
  4. Arabian Desert (Middle East/Asia) is a vast desert region in the Arabian Peninsula. It covers much of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait.
  5. Syrian Desert (Middle East/Asia).

Miscellaneous Facts about Asia

  1. It is important to note that Europe and Asia are on a single tectonic plate.
  2. Countries found in both Asia and Europe: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
  3. The Dead Sea in Asia is the deepest sea in the world.
  4. The Tibetan Plateau (China) is the world’s highest and largest plateau. It is often referred to as the “Roof of the World”.