First in the world

The First in the World (Part I)

  • First Secretary-General of United Nations Trygve Lie (Norway).
  • The first President of the United States of America George Washington.
  • The first President of the Republic of China Dr Sun Yat Sen (1912).
  • First Prime Minister of Great Britain Robert Walpole (1715).
  • Pakistan’s first Governor-General Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
  • The first American President to visit Pakistan was Dwight David Eisenhower.
  • The first European invader of Indian soil was Alexander The Great.
  • The first man to go into space was Major Yuri Gagarin (USSR).
  • The first man to walk in space was Alexey Leonov (Russia).
  • First space tourist Dennis Tito (USA).
  • The first man to set foot on the Moon was Neil Armstrong (USA).
  • The first man to fly an airplane Wright Brothers.
  • The first man to reach the North Pole was Robert Peary.
  • The First man to reach the South Pole was Roald Amundsen.
  • The first man to climb Mount Everest was Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary (29th May 1953).
  • The first man to climb Mount Everest twice Nawang Gombu (1965).
  • First blind man to scale Mount Everest Erik Weihenmayer (25th May 2001).
  • The first person to sail around the world was Ferdinand Magellan.
  • First deaf and dumb to cross the Strait of Gibraltar Taranath Shenoy (India).
  • First European to visit China Marco Polo.
  • First man to draw the map of Earth Anaximander.
  • The First man to compile the encyclopedia Aspheosis (Athens).
  • First man to win Nobel Prize for Literature Sully Prudhomme (France).
  • The First men to win the Nobel Prize for Peace were Henry Dunant (Switzerland) and Frederic Passy (France).

Note: For more GK questions click here.

  • First man to win Nobel Prize for Physics WK Roentgen (Germany).
  • The first man to win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was Jacobus H Van’t Hoft (Holland).
  • First man to win Nobel Prize for Medicine AE Von Behring (Germany).
  • The First men to win the Nobel Prize for Economics were Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Tinbergen (Holland).
  • The first country to print books was China.
  • The first country to issue paper currency was China.
  • The first country to commence a competitive examination in civil services was China.
  • The first country to make the Constitution United States of America.
  • The first country to appoint Lokpal was Sweden.
  • The First country to ban capital punishment was Venezuela.
  • The first country to give voting rights to women was New Zealand.
  • The First country to impose a carbon tax is New Zealand.
  • The First countries to start VAT (Value Added Tax) are Brazil, Germany, and Denmark.
  • The first country to issue plastic currency was Australia.
  • The First country to give constitutional status to animal rights was Switzerland.
  • The first country to implement family planning was India.
  • The first country to make education compulsory was Prussia Germany.
  • The first country to send humans to the Moon United States of America.
  • First cloned human baby Eve.