Lucknow Pact 1916

Lucknow Pact 1916 and Its Importance

Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the All-India Muslim League (AIML) in 1913. He changed the doctrine of AIML. He was already a member of the Indian National Congress (INC). Moreover, both parties wanted self-rule in India. Therefore, Muhammad Ali Jinnah suggested these parties leave their petty issues and cooperate to fulfill the demand for self-rule. Consequently, AIML and INC held their annual meetings in Lucknow. There these parties signed a pact known as the Lucknow Pact 1916.

Salient Features of the Lucknow Pact 1916

  1. There shall be self-government in India.
  2. Muslims shall be given 1/3rd representation in the center.
  3. Not only Muslims but also all the communities in India should be given separate electorates until a community demands joint electorates.
  4. A System of weightage should be adopted in the provinces.
  5. The Central Legislative Council should be increased to 150.
  6. In major provinces the strength of the provincial council should not be less than 125 and in the minor provinces 50 to 75.
  7. Except for those nominated members, all should be elected directly based on the adult franchise.
  8. No bill should be passed against a community if three-fourths of the members of the concerned community oppose it.
  9. The Legislative Council’s term should be five years. Moreover, they should elect their president.
  10. Half of the membership of the Imperial Legislative Council should be given to Indians.
  11. The British Government should pay the salary of the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs.
  12. The Executive and the Judiciary should be separated from each other.


Lucknow Pact 1916 is very important because it was the first time that Congress recognized the All-India Muslim League as the political party representing the Muslims of India. Furthermore, it accepted the demand for separate electorates and 1/3rd representation which proved that Muslims and Hindus were two separate nations. Consequently, the Two Nation Theory was proved.

Lastly, this event marked the unity of Muslims and Hindus in India. As for the first time they joined hands to get their demands.