Largest in the World

Largest in the world

  1. Largest Animal: Blue Bottom Whale
  2. Largest Bay: Bay of Bengal with 839,000 square miles, Indian Ocean.
  3. Largest Bird: Ostrich
  4. Largest Cathedral: Milan Cathedral, Italy
  5. Largest Cemetery: Wadi Us Salam (Najaf, Iraq)
  6. Largest Church: Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome.
  7. Largest Continent: Asia
  8. Largest Country (Area): Russia
  9. Largest Desert: Sahara, North Africa
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  10. Largest Dam: Three Gorges, China
  11. Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico
  12. Largest Hotel: First World Hotel
  13. Largest Island: Greenland
  14. Largest Lake: Caspian Sea 1,030 km
  15. Largest Mountain Range: Andes (South America)
  16. Largest Minaret: the minaret of the Djamaa el Djazaïr (Algiers, Algeria)
  17. Largest Palace: Imperial Palace (China)
  18. Largest Park: National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)
  19. Largest Peninsula: Arabia
  20. Largest Platform: Grand Central Terminal, (Rly. Station), New York (USA)
  21. Largest Sea: South China Sea
  22. Largest Stadium: Starhove Stadium, Prague (Czech Republic)
  23. Largest Sea-bird: Albatross
  24. Largest Temple: Angkorwat in Cambodia.
  25. Largest Volcano: Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
  26. Largest Democracy: India
  27. Largest Airport: King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia)
  28. Largest Library: United States Library of Congress, Washington