Simla Deputation

Simla Deputation 1906 and its Important Demands

Background of the Simla Deputation

In 1885, the Indian National Congress (Congress) was established to work for the protection of the interests of all communities of India irrespective of their religion and nationality.  However, soon it became a forum meant to project the Hindu demands only. The success of Congress’ agitation against Urdu and the Partition of Bengal proved to the Muslims that the British government listened only to an organized point of view. Therefore, the Muslims of India under the leadership of Agha Khan III organized the famous Simla Deputation of 1906.

Events of the Simla Deputation

Through a letter, Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk requested Mr. Archbold for an appointment with the Viceroy of India. Mr, Archbold, the principal of Aligarh College, confirmed a meeting and wrote back to Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk. Therefore, Nawab Sahib prepared a delegation to meet with Lord Minto. Finally, a delegation consisting of 35 leaders of the Muslim community met with the viceroy, Lord Minto, under the leadership of Sir Aga Khan III, in Simla on October 1, 1906.

Demands of the Simla Deputation

Separate Electorates for the Indian Muslims

Through the Simla Deputation, the Muslims asked for the right of a separate electorate through which they should elect their representatives for municipalities, rural councils, and provincial and central legislative councils.

Job Quota for the Muslims

The Muslim delegation also demanded that they should be given due share in the gazetted and non-gazetted cadres in India. Its acceptance would bring better economic opportunities for Muslims.

Quota for Muslims

Furthermore, the Muslim leaders also asked for a quota for Muslims in the government services and seats as judges of High courts as well as chief courts.

M.A.O College into University

Muslims put forward the demand for financial help for setting up a Muslim university in India. A Muslim university would education the future generation of Muslims. Additionally, it would make Muslim youth more competent.

Importance of the Simla Deputation

The Simla Deputation of 1906, marks an important event in Indo-Pak history. Sir, Agha Khan united the Muslims and met with the Viceroy of India.

Furthermore, the Muslims presented their demands to Lord Minto. Some of their demands were accepted in the Minto-Morley reforms of 1909. In short, the Simla Deputation was a successful step taken by the Muslims of India.